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Read time: 7 min
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If you’ve ever heard that ice cream is beneficial for a sore throat, you’re not the only one. A scratchy or tickly throat can be alleviated by consuming ice cream, according to a belief held by many people.
Is it, however, beneficial to your health? Should you be eating ice cream to soothe your sore throat, or is it just a myth? Let’s have a look in more detail below:
A sore throat is identified by pain, a scratchy feeling in the throat, or irritation that typically gets worse as you swallow. A viral infection, such as a cold or the flu, is the most likely source of pharyngitis, or sore throat. This is usually brought on by a virus and will get better on its own. A sore throat can also be caused by irritation such as hay fever, or eating food that is too hot.
Ice cream can help to alleviate some of the pain that is associated with a sore throat, however, it isn’t advisable to consume too much of it. Sore throats can be soothed by eating ice cream or other cold foods. Too much sugar can reduce the effectiveness of your immune system.
The short answer is, yes, it is. However, even if it helps your throat feel better, it cannot heal a sore throat. The most important thing to remember while dealing with a sore throat is that it is not something to ignore.
A sore throat might make it difficult to swallow other foods, but ice cream’s silky texture makes it easy to swallow. When you’re feeling under the weather, eating ice cream might help you get the extra calories you need for your body.
Inflammation is reduced and a sore throat is alleviated by eating ice cream. There is no need to add chocolate chunks or nuts to ice cream, these can worsen a sore throat.
Tonsillitis surgery necessitates the consumption of ice cream. Patients should, however, drink clear beverages before consuming any ice cream. After some time, cold liquid diets like plain ice cream and plain yogurt might be introduced to the patient.
When you’re sick, eating ice cream could actually aggravate the swelling in your throat because of its high sugar content. If you eat ice cream without washing your mouth out with water or gargling, sugar crystals will get stuck in your throat and exacerbate swelling. It is not suggested that you eat ice cream if you have a sore throat after consuming sweets or cold liquids.
Keep in mind that ice cream is made with dairy products. Dairy consumption does not enhance phlegm production directly, but it does increase phlegm thickness. The thicker the phlegm, the more likely it is to irritate your throat and make your cough worse.
When you’re sick, the most important thing to remember is to keep warm. This means avoiding exposure to the cold, eating warm food, and keeping yourself covered up with warm blankets. As with other cold foods, ice cream will lower your body temperature. If your core temperature drops, your body will have to expend more energy to get back up to normal, rather than using that energy to cure itself.
Warm liquids, like herbal tea, might help ease a sore throat by keeping it moist.
A herbal tea including licorice root, elm inner bark, marshmallow root, and licorice root aqueous dry extract relieved throat pain for 30 minutes, according to a study.
Gargling green tea can reduce the pain in the throat, according to a 2016 study.
If you have a sore throat, add honey to tea or by itself. Studies demonstrate that honey can help fight illnesses. The CDC recommends using honey to soothe a sore throat and cough. Honey can cause botulism in children under 1 year old, so avoid giving it to children under this age.
When you’re feeling under the weather, a warm bowl of soup is a great way to get some nutrients that you need. It has been shown to help ease sore throats caused by upper respiratory tract infections, according to scientific research. Cook or buy chicken soup if you have a sore throat due to an infection or if you just need some comfort. Veggie broth can be used in place of chicken broth by those who eat vegetarian or vegan food.
Citrus, tomatoes, alcohol, and dairy can irritate a sore throat. So eat meals that don’t irritate your sore throat until you feel better.
When you have a sore throat, avoid crunchy foods like potato chips and crackers. These foods may cause pain and irritation when swallowed. When unwell, eat soft, easy-to-swallow foods.
Sore throats often heal without medical treatment. If your sore throat lasts more than a week or gets worse, see a doctor.
These symptoms may indicate a sore throat needs medical attention:
If you experience any of these symptoms or your sore throat doesn’t improve after several days, your doctor may undertake a physical exam and run lab tests to discover the cause and best treatment.
If you aren’t feeling well enough to travel to your doctor or you need medical assistance more urgently, an online doctor is the best solution. DrHouse is a good way to get the medical help that you need without having to leave your home.
When it comes to ice and sore throats, there are two sides to the answer. On one hand, ice cream can help to alleviate some of the pain associated with a sore throat but it can also hinder your healing. The most important thing is to focus on how you feel and recognize when you need to seek medical help.
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