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Read time: 8 min
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Consuming particular foods or beverages can irritate the bladder, which can occur even in people who do not have an overactive bladder.
In this post, we will examine whether orange juice – a favorite breakfast drink for many people – can irritate the bladder and cause a UTI, as well as what drinks could help with an irritated bladder and which ones to avoid.
A UTI, which some people refer to as a bladder infection, is a condition that happens when bacteria enter the urinary tract and multiply. It is a common infection that causes a burning feeling when urinating, frequent need to urinate even when you have just emptied your bladder, discomfort in the lower abdomen, and various other symptoms.
There is no evidence to suggest that orange juice – or any fruit juice – can directly cause a UTI. A urinary tract condition is caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract, which is usually sterile. Orange juice does not cause this.
However, if you consume large amounts of orange juice on a regular basis, you could be overloaded with sugar in your diet. Increased sugar in the blood can encourage the growth of bacteria which in turn can cause a UTI. This is true of all drinks and foods high in sugar.
While orange juice cannot directly cause a UTI, it can, in some people, irritate the bladder and cause symptoms similar to urinary tract infections.
This is because orange juice – like other citrus fruit juices contain a lot of acids, which can cause bladder irritation. The same goes for lemon, grapefruit, lime, and other foods and drinks that are acidic.
Although orange juice and other citric fruit juices such as grapefruit, lemon, and lime are packed with Vitamin C, which is great for boosting your immunity, the acid in them can further irritate the bladder and increase UTI symptoms, making it feel even worse.
After the illness has cleared up, continuing to consume fruits high in vitamin C and acids can help avoid further infections. Your diet could benefit from the addition of grapefruit and strawberries, as well as spinach and green peppers. Just be mindful of the amount of sugar in your diet overall.
Since antibiotics are often needed to treat a UTI, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible if you notice the signs.
Early and effective UTI treatment helps ensure that the infection is dealt with while it is at its most treatable stage and before it progresses to the kidneys. Even in mild cases, kidney infections can cause symptoms like high fever, nausea, and pain in the kidneys that can make it hard to do anything.
Also, the worse the kidney infection is, the more likely it is that something bad will happen. In some cases, they may only need to be treated in the hospital, but in other cases, they may cause permanent damage to the kidneys or a life-threatening infection in the bloodstream.
UTIs have also been linked to the development of prostatitis in men, a condition that, like UTIs, typically needs treatment with antibiotics for a longer period of time.
With DrHouse you can start an on-demand video call with a certified doctor at any time. The doctors are available 24/7 and you can talk to them about your UTI symptoms and get professional advice regarding treatment.
Our online doctors can help diagnose you, create a treatment plan, and even write a prescription for medication.
DrHouse is here to make sure that you can get access to quality healthcare, even if it’s in the comfort of your own home. So, if you need help with any UTI symptoms, don’t hesitate to start a call with one of our doctors today. We are here to make sure you get the care that you need!
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