Urinary Tract Infections

Can Saliva Cause a UTI? Everything You Should Know!

A UTI is an acronym for a urinary tract infection. UTIs can cause great discomfort and if not treated can lead to more serious infections including sepsis. Unfortunately, UTIs can happen to anyone at any time and are very common. Many healthcare professionals consider them the most common type of infection. This leads people to… Continue reading Can Saliva Cause a UTI? Everything You Should Know!

Victoria Fanslau Jul. 22, 2022

Can Saliva Cause a UTI? Everything You Should Know!
Urinary Tract Infections

Can You Go to Urgent Care For a UTI?

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are experienced by around 40% of all women and 12% of all men. For many, the symptoms are mild or even unnoticeable. When it causes significant discomfort, though, seeking urgent care for UTI issues will be high on your list of considerations.  So, can you go to urgent care for… Continue reading Can You Go to Urgent Care For a UTI?

Jessica Guht Jul. 12, 2022

Can You Go to Urgent Care For a UTI?
Urinary Tract Infections

Can a UTI Cause Dizziness And Nausea?

Studies suggest that between 50 and 60 percent of women will experience a UTI at some point in their lives, with the estimated rate of infection being 0.5 cases per person per year in young females. Among those, a significant percentage will develop dizziness and vomiting.  In this post, we explore what a UTI is,… Continue reading Can a UTI Cause Dizziness And Nausea?

Jessica Guht Jul. 12, 2022

Can a UTI Cause Dizziness And Nausea?
Urinary Tract Infections

Can a UTI Cause Bleeding Like a Period?

If you have ever felt the discomfort of a UTI you will know that they are no joke. Indeed they can not only be painful but come with a whole wealth of unwelcome symptoms. One of which is spotting or blood in the urine. A topic that you can read all about in the post… Continue reading Can a UTI Cause Bleeding Like a Period?

Jessica Guht Jul. 11, 2022

Can a UTI Cause Bleeding Like a Period?
Urinary Tract Infections

Does a UTI Cause Itching?

While urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common and can present various symptoms, they typically do not cause itching. Instead, itching in the vaginal area is often associated with other conditions such as vaginitis, yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, or STDs. Itching can also be a symptom of skin irritation or an allergic reaction to certain hygiene… Continue reading Does a UTI Cause Itching?

Jessica Guht Jul. 09, 2022

Does a UTI Cause Itching?
Urinary Tract Infections

Can Drinking Alcohol Cause a UTI?

Drinking alcohol does not directly cause a UTI as UTIs are caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract and multiplying. However, drinking alcohol can increase your risk of getting one and it can worsen the symptoms of an already existing UTI. Drinking alcohol can increase your risk of getting a UTI because it can lead… Continue reading Can Drinking Alcohol Cause a UTI?

Jessica Guht Jul. 08, 2022

Can Drinking Alcohol Cause a UTI?
Urinary Tract Infections

Can a UTI Affect Your Period?

Urinary tract infections can be painful and frustrating. Some women question if a UTI can affect their menstrual cycle in any way. To answer this let’s first review female anatomy.  There are three openings in the female genitalia: the urethra, vagina, and anus. Each of these openings is connected to a different body system. The… Continue reading Can a UTI Affect Your Period?

Victoria Fanslau Jun. 16, 2022

Can a UTI Affect Your Period?
Urinary Tract Infections

How to Sleep With UTI Discomfort?

Experiencing a urinary tract infection (UTI) can significantly disrupt your sleep due to symptoms such as pain, discomfort, and frequent urges to urinate. If you can’t sleep or are struggling to get a good night’s sleep because of UTI discomfort there are several things you can try to alleviate your symptoms and help you get… Continue reading How to Sleep With UTI Discomfort?

Emily Maeve Milord Mar. 15, 2022

How to Sleep With UTI Discomfort?