Yeast Infection Won’t Go Away: Why & What to Do?

Most women will experience an infection at some point in their lives, whether yeast or something like BV (bacterial vaginosis). For example, 3/4 of us will have a yeast infection during our lifetime. 

What makes it worse is that they often keep coming back – a yeast infection comes back within a year, up to 28% of the time. No one wants this, so we shall look at what to do if your yeast infection won’t go away. 

Table of Contents

What Is a Yeast Infection?

​​A yeast infection is a type of fungal infection. It can affect different body parts, such as the mouth, but it is most commonly found in the vaginal area. 

Candida, a type of yeast found in your body, is the microorganism responsible for vaginal yeast infections. While this yeast is generally functioning inside of your body, there should not be any issues. 

On the other hand, if the yeast is out of balance, it will quickly multiply, which may result in a yeast infection. In addition to causing changes in the discharge from your vagina, a yeast infection can cause burning, itching, and redness in the vulva. It is not a sexually transmitted infection. 

How Long Does a Yeast Infection Usually Last?

If you take medicine for it, yeast infections typically clear up within a few days. Still, it could take up to a week. The more serious the case, the longer it may last and the longer it may take to treat. Be sure that you follow the directions for using the medication, and do not stop taking it too soon; otherwise, the infection could return.

Why Won’t My Yeast Infection Go Away?

You Are Using Irritants.

There are a lot of things that might throw off the vagina’s pH balance or generally mess with its well-being. The vagina can get irritated and sensitive due to many things, such as a person’s diet, medications, stress level, scented body products, laundry soaps, douches, and sexual activity. Suppose you continue to use irritants that disturb the vaginal pH balance. In that case, you risk making yeast infections worse. 

Not Completing the Entire Course of Medication

When you are sure that the yeast infection is gone, it may be tempting to stop taking the medicine you were given to treat it. However, if you do that, the condition may get worse. Many women don’t complete the course of treatment for yeast infections. You need to follow the whole treatment recommendation when using any treatment, including over-the-counter medicines and prescription medication.

You Have Been Taking Antibiotics.

It is possible that you are unaware that taking antibiotics for something unrelated can affect your existing yeast infection. Still, there is a possibility that this is the case. Regular use of antibiotics has been linked to many episodes of yeast infections.

Antibiotics may change the kinds of organisms that live in your vagina and make yeast grow faster. If you take antibiotics and often get yeast infections, you should talk to your doctor about avoiding them. This will help you treat both conditions at the same time.

You Are Wearing Damp And/or Tight Clothing.

If you have a yeast infection, you should avoid wearing clothes or underwear that are too tight or damp. When you have a yeast infection, wearing loose clothing and underwear (not thongs) is helpful, as yeast thrives in moist, dark areas. This can help the infection clear up more rapidly. Also, as you get out of the pool or the gym, it is crucial to change your wet clothes as soon as possible so that yeast does not continue to grow on them.

You Are Consuming Too Much Sugar.

Your diet can have a long-term effect on your yeast infection, and while you’re healing, you may need to stay away from sugar as much as possible. This is because sugar can often be a primary culprit in a yeast infection’s lingering and recurring nature. If you overeat sugar, it will cause your blood sugar levels to rise. This can cause the vaginal pH balance to become unbalanced, resulting in yeast infections.

What to Do With a Stubborn Yeast Infection That Won’t Go Away?

There are different types of yeast infections, some of which are more problematic than others, and some can be resistant to the treatments that are generally used to treat them. See a gynecologist or healthcare practitioner if your yeast infection does not clear up after a few days or after taking an over-the-counter remedy. You may require additional tests and a second round of the antifungal medicine prescribed to you.

When to See a Doctor?

If any of the following sounds like what’s happening to you, you should see a doctor right away:

  • You have never knowingly had a yeast infection before. See a doctor to rule out the possibility of a more severe condition that calls for a different course of therapy, such as a sexually transmitted illness or an infection of the urinary system.
  • You are pregnant. During pregnancy, your doctor must give the green light for you to take any medication, even over-the-counter vaginal treatments.
  • You suffer from yeast infections rather frequently. A condition known as “recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis” is diagnosed when a person experiences four or more yeast infections within a single calendar year. If you have it, you must take an antifungal drug for one to six months as treatment. Recurrent yeast infections can be a symptom that you have diabetes or another medical disease. Diabetes is an illness that affects sugar levels in the blood.

Seeing a doctor may give you the peace of mind you need, especially if you are concerned about your symptoms or if they differ from those of previous yeast infections you have experienced. 

They might suggest a vaginal cream for which you have to get a prescription because it will stop the itching and burning faster than an over-the-counter medicine. Oral antifungal medicines are another treatment option that a doctor could recommend.

Get Help From DrHouse!

If you’re having trouble managing your yeast infection and it won’t go away, consider getting help from DrHouse.

We provide a discreet and safe on-demand telehealth service, which allows you to connect with a certified medical professional online and get personalized diagnoses and treatment for your condition.

You can see an online doctor within as little as 15 minutes, and get the same quality of care that you would receive from a conventional visit. This means no more waiting rooms or awkward conversations with your doctor!


Key Takeaways

  • Yeast infections need treatment to go away. This can be OTC medication or prescribed.
  • It is crucial to complete the entire course of medication
  • There are things you can do to help – reducing sugar in your diet, not wearing damp and tight-fitted clothing
  • It is essential to seek medical advice if your yeast infection keeps coming back or won’t go away
  • The primary reasons why your yeast infection might not be going away are: taking antibiotics, wearing damp and/or tight-fitting clothing, consuming too much sugar, or a misdiagnosis of a yeast infection.


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