How do I update or uninstall the DrHouse app?

Update the DrHouse App:

For iOS: Open the App Store. Go to the “Updates” tab. Find DrHouse app and click “Update” if available.

For Android: Open the Google Play Store. Go to “My apps & games.” Locate the DrHouse app and click “Update” if available.

Uninstall the DrHouse App:

For iOS: Press and hold the DrHouse app icon on your home screen until it jiggles. Tap the “x” on the app icon. Confirm the deletion.

For Android: Open the Settings app. Go to “Apps” or “Application Manager.” Find and select DrHouse app. Click “Uninstall” and confirm.

These steps might vary slightly based on your device and operating system version. If you encounter difficulties, consider checking your device’s user manual or contacting your device’s customer support for specific guidance.

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