
Cankles: What are They and How to Get Rid of Them?  

Many individuals are insecure about the excess fat surrounding their calves and ankles, often referred to as cankles. This article will discuss what cankles are and how to get rid of them. Table of Contents What Are Cankles? Cankles is not a standard medical term. Instead, it is a slang word that combines the terms… Continue reading Cankles: What are They and How to Get Rid of Them?  

Jessica Guht Jun. 28, 2022

Cankles: What are They and How to Get Rid of Them?  

Why Do My Ribs Hurt When I Sneeze?

Sneezing can cause chest pain for a variety of reasons. It is usually caused by an illness, disease, or injury to the chest wall. When you sneeze, the pain may occur or worsen. This is due to the fact that sneezing causes the muscles and bones in your chest to shift. When sneezing, muscle strain… Continue reading Why Do My Ribs Hurt When I Sneeze?

Jessica Guht Jun. 28, 2022

Why Do My Ribs Hurt When I Sneeze?

Why Do My Arms Hurt When I Sneeze?

We all sneeze. It’s a natural human response, which means that sneezing is a mechanism we can’t control. Sneezes are uncomfortable and sometimes can even feel embarrassing, but they are usually harmless. Occasionally, sneezes can be physically painful and cause pain in various body parts, such as the arms.  If you are someone who feels… Continue reading Why Do My Arms Hurt When I Sneeze?

Emily Maeve Milord Jun. 25, 2022

Why Do My Arms Hurt When I Sneeze?

Bruised Kidney: Symptoms and How to Treat It

Most of us are familiar with normal bruising, specifically when the skin becomes discolored and painful to the touch. What many individuals do not know, however, is that you can bruise your internal organs. More specifically, you can injure your kidneys due to trauma. A bruised kidney can be severe, requiring careful medical management. To… Continue reading Bruised Kidney: Symptoms and How to Treat It

Jessica Guht Jun. 22, 2022

Bruised Kidney: Symptoms and How to Treat It

Stabbing Pain in Jaw When Drinking Alcohol?

Drinking alcohol is typically meant to be an enjoyable social experience. However, some people may have their time spent enjoying alcohol and the company of others interrupted by a stabbing pain in their jaw. This can be a concerning symptom that causes many to wonder what is causing sharp pain in the jaw when drinking. … Continue reading Stabbing Pain in Jaw When Drinking Alcohol?

Jessica Guht Jun. 13, 2022

Stabbing Pain in Jaw When Drinking Alcohol?

How Long Does It Take to Lower Cholesterol?

There is no set answer to this question. Everyone’s body is different and changes at a different pace. There is no way to lower cholesterol overnight. Cholesterol takes time to decrease and will not drop quickly.  Cholesterol is a lipid/fat that is found in the blood. It is a necessity for the body and helps… Continue reading How Long Does It Take to Lower Cholesterol?

Victoria Fanslau Apr. 19, 2022

How Long Does It Take to Lower Cholesterol?

Pain in Left Side of the Waist: Causes and Treatment

The abdomen is an area of the body with a wide assortment of organs, which can make diagnosing the cause of your pain difficult. In most cases, pain in the abdomen is due to minor digestive issues that clear up on their own. However, some more severe conditions can cause stomach pain on the left… Continue reading Pain in Left Side of the Waist: Causes and Treatment

Jessica Guht Apr. 10, 2022

Pain in Left Side of the Waist: Causes and Treatment

Why Does Your Stomach Hurt After Eating?

Stomach pain that occurs after eating can have many causes, ranging from digestive issues to consuming specific food. The various causes also mean that there is a range of treatments that can help you feel better and certain actions you should take to prevent future stomachaches. Table of Contents Causes of Stomach Pain After Eating… Continue reading Why Does Your Stomach Hurt After Eating?

Jessica Guht Mar. 07, 2022

Why Does Your Stomach Hurt After Eating?

Why Does My Neck Hurt When I Wake Up?

Waking up with neck pain is a poor way to start your day. Neck pain is uncomfortable and can decrease your head’s range of motion, making simple daily tasks difficult to perform. The number of people experiencing neck pain has increased by 21.1 percent within the past 25 years. In fact, it is a leading… Continue reading Why Does My Neck Hurt When I Wake Up?

Jessica Guht Mar. 07, 2022

Why Does My Neck Hurt When I Wake Up?

Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Bend Over?

Dizziness when making a sudden movement can be unpleasant, but it is a relatively common occurrence. Many things may cause dizziness, including being dehydrated or eating too little. There are also health conditions that may commonly cause dizziness when bending over, such as anemia, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. In most cases, dizziness is not a serious… Continue reading Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Bend Over?

Jessica Guht Mar. 07, 2022

Why Do I Get Dizzy When I Bend Over?

Wheezing at Night When Lying Down

When your airway is partially blocked, you may wheeze. Wheezing refers to the sound you make when it is difficult to breathe, oftentimes sounding hoarse and rattled. Sometimes the wheezing noise is clear and obvious, and other times it requires detection via a stethoscope. Some individuals may wheeze during normal day-to-day activities, while others may… Continue reading Wheezing at Night When Lying Down

Jessica Guht Mar. 07, 2022

Wheezing at Night When Lying Down