
What Causes Pain in the Back of Tongue When Swallowing?

Pain that originates from the back of the tongue is unpleasant and only becomes worse when swallowing. Unfortunately, when you have this pain you realize just how often you swallow in a day because each swallow is accompanied by a flash of pain. There are many causes of tongue pain that worsens when swallowing, but… Continue reading What Causes Pain in the Back of Tongue When Swallowing?

Jessica Guht Mar. 07, 2022

What Causes Pain in the Back of Tongue When Swallowing?

Is It Dangerous for Adults to Get Chicken Pox?

Chickenpox is typically considered to be a childhood disease, and everyone who hears that word may start involuntarily itching as they recall their experiences with it. However, is it possible for adults to get chickenpox, or are you in the clear once you are no longer in your childhood years? Not only is it possible… Continue reading Is It Dangerous for Adults to Get Chicken Pox?

Jessica Guht Mar. 07, 2022

Is It Dangerous for Adults to Get Chicken Pox?

How to Get Rid of Congestion in Throat?

It’s never a pleasant feeling. You’re going about your day when it suddenly feels like your throat is clogged. You swallow repeatedly, but you know that this is only a sign of what is to come.  Throat congestion is never something you want to experience, but there are tips and tricks to make it more… Continue reading How to Get Rid of Congestion in Throat?

Jessica Guht Mar. 07, 2022

How to Get Rid of Congestion in Throat?

What Causes Dull Pain in Left Arm That Comes and Goes?

It can be concerning to develop pain in your left arm since it is commonly associated as a symptom of a heart attack. But what about left arm pain that comes and goes? Unfortunately, this type of pain can have many different causes, but a heart attack is still the most serious among them. Because… Continue reading What Causes Dull Pain in Left Arm That Comes and Goes?

Jessica Guht Mar. 07, 2022

What Causes Dull Pain in Left Arm That Comes and Goes?